Das Camiral Resort, die Heimstatt der Dave Pelz Spanish Golf School, zieht weiter Golfspieler aus aller Welt an, die ihrem Kurzspiel mit dem weltweit renommierten …
Le Camiral Resort, siège de la Dave Pelz Spanish Golf School, continue d’attirer des joueurs de golf issus du monde entier souhaitant perfectionner leur petit …
Camiral Resort, seu de l’Open de España 2014, continua atraient golfistes de tot el món que volen perfeccionar la seva tècnica amb el reconegut mètode …
Camiral Resort, sede del Open de España 2014, continua atrayendo golfistas de todo elmundo que quieren perfeccionar su técnica con el reconocido método de aprendizaje …
Camiral Resort, home of the Dave Plez Spanish Golf School, continues to attract golfers from across the globe wanting to fine-tune their short game with …
Miguel Angel Jiménez, who recorded a remarkable victory at The 2014 Open de España, proved why he is such a popular champion when he took …
There was plenty of family fun at the Open de España on Saturday. Hundreds of children were among the spectators who flocked to Camiral Resort …
En el sorteo de hoy, Miguel Girbés, Director de Golf de Camiral Resort, ha certificado la elección de la mano inocente de nuestra compañera. En …
The biggest names in Spanish golf are at Camiral Resort this week for the Open de España – and they have all been taking the …